eSports makes up an upward trend as a new type of sport in the last decade in a famous way. This paper aims to emphasize the critical parts of eSports, which can eliminate ideas against obtaining capacity for eSports as a real sport and find out the motivational factors of athletes. In this case, the push and pull motivational factors of eSports athletes can be investigated appropriately. The reason for the increasing number of athletes in this sport can be understood. This paper is based on qualitative and interview methods; however, secondary data makes up a significant conclusion. The current study reveals contextual factors of eSports and the importance of eSports in Azerbaijan, as well. The findings of this paper are vital for comparing motivational factors of athletes engaging in traditional sport versus eSports. As an illustration, mentality, internet speed, professional approach are important factors for this paper. Also, the South Korea case, compared to Azerbaijan and other developing eSports countries, makes up a practical approach for the study.